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[SRH] Real-Time PCR Kit (Including SYBR® Green I)

[SRH] Real-Time PCR Kit (Including SYBR® Green I)

Intercalating dye (SYBR® Green I) detection Accurate & Ultra-high specific detection using hot start Taq

Solg™ 2X Real-Time PCR Smart mix (Including SYBR® Green I in the mixture) is PCR pre-mixture which allows users to do Real-time PCR conveniently. Solg™ h-Tag hot start PCR enzyme in this kit has high specificity for the target gene amplification only. And with its optimized buffer system, the kit enables to give stable and successful test results especially for multiplex PCR, Real-Time PCR and Genotyping test.


Gene expression analysis, Quantification of target DNA using Real-Time PCR, Microbial detection, Genetic variation analysis, miRNA profiling, High Resolution Melting (HRM)


Ordering information

Format Cat. No. Product Size Price (won)
Smart mix SRH83-M40h Solg ™ 2X Real-Time PCR Smart mix
(including SYBR® Green I in the mixture)
1 ㎖ x 4 ea
(400 reaction) 1

1. Reaction is calculated based on the total volume 20 μl reaction.
