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DiaPlexQ™ STI 12 Detection Kit

DiaPlexQ™ STI 12 Detection Kit

Real-Time PCR based assay system for simultaneous detection of sexually transmitted infections

STIs (Sexually Transmitted Infections) are an infection passed from person to person through intimate sexual contact. There are many kinds of STIs and they are very common. More than half of all of us will get one at some point in our lives.


DiaPlexQ ™ STI 12 Detection Kit
Detection target
Set I : N. gonorrhoeae (NG), C. trachomatis (CT), M. hominis (MH) Set III : Herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1)
Herpes simplex virus 2 (HSV-2)
G. vaginalis (GV)
Set II : T. vaginalis (TV), U. urealyticum (UU), M. genitalium (MG)
Set IV : T. pallidum (TP), C. albicans (CA), U. parvum (UP)
Registration RUO
Detection technology Real-Time PCR
Specimen type Urogenital swab specimen, Urine
Analytical sensitivity 10 - 10² copies
Compatible instruments* ABI 7500 / 7500 Fast Real-Time PCR System (Applied Biosystems)
CFX96™ Real-Time PCR System (Bio-Rad)
PCR running time ~ 1 hr 30 min


– HotStart PCR system : Ultra high specific and sensitive result
– UDG system : No carryover contamination
– Multiplex PCR system : Multiple targets in a single reaction
– Reliable system : Automatic PCR control
– Positive control included
– Easy-to-use master mix



Korean J Clin microbial, Seong Deok Lee, Hye Young Lee, Hyun Chul Kim, Soo Young Kim,

Mycobacterium Tuberculosis and Non-Tuberculous Mycobacteria by PCR Assay.

Ryan KJ, Ray CG (Editors) (2004).

Sherris Medical Microbiology (4th ed.). McGraw-Hill.

Sun-Pil Choi, M.D., Bong-Keun Lee M.D.1, Jin-Hong Min, M.D., Jin-Hee Kim, M.D.

Pathogenic Classification and Clinical Characteristics of Non-Tuberculous Mycobacterial Pulmonary Disease in a National Tuberculosis Hospital.

Ordering information

Technology Cat. No. Product Contents
Real-Time PCR SQD99-K020 (20 reaction) DiaPlexQ ™ STI 12 Detection Kit 2X Multiplex Real-Time PCR Smart mix (with UDG) (STI 12)
Primer & Probe Mixture I (STI 12)
Primer & Probe Mixture II (STI 12)
Primer & Probe Mixture III (STI 12)
Primer & Probe Mixture IV (STI 12)
Control Template (STI 12)
Nuclease free Water
SQD99-K100 (100 reaction)
SQD94-K020 (20 reaction) DiaPlexQ ™ STI 6 Detection Kit 2X Multiplex Real-Time PCR Smart mix (with UDG) (STI 6)
Primer & Probe Mixture I (STI 6)
Primer & Probe Mixture II (STI 6)
Control Template (STI 6)
Nuclease free Water
SQD94-K100 (100 reaction)