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DiaPlexQ™ MTC/NTM Detection Kit

DiaPlexQ™ MTC/NTM Detection Kit

Real-Time PCR based assay system for simultaneous detection of MTC and NTM complex

M y cobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) is a pathogenic bacteria species and the causative agent in most cases of tuberculosis. Along with MTB, 5 other species, which we call MTC are regarded as common infectious agents causing tuberculosis. That is why it is necessary to detect MTC, along with MTB. Although NTM is a group of non-tuberculosis related mycobacteria, it usually causes lung infections that mimic tuberculosis resulting in a potential misdiagnosis. Thus, the identification of a single infection or co-infection of MTC and NTM is required for appropriate treatment.


DiaPlexQ™ MTC/NTM Detection Kit DiaPlexQ™ MTC/NTM Detection Kit
ver 3.0
DiaPlexQ™ MTC/NTM Detection Kit
ver 4.0
Detection target MTC (2 species): IS6110
NTM (13 species): 16S rRNA
MTC (2 species): IS6110, MPB64
NTM (15 species): 16S rRNA
MTC (2 species): IS6110, MPB64
NTM (6 species): 16S rRNA
Detection technology Real-Time PCR
Specimen type Nasopharyngeal swab, Nasopharyngeal aspirate, Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL)
Analytical sensitivity 10 copies
Compatible instruments* ABI 7500 / 7500 Fast Real-Time PCR System (Applied Biosystems)
CFX96™ Real-Time PCR System (Bio-Rad)
PCR running time ~ 1 hr 20 min


– HotStart PCR system : Ultra high specific and sensitive result
– DnaFree™ system : No host genomic DNA contamination ( DiaPlexC ™)
– UDG system : No carryover contamination
– Multiplex PCR system : Multiple targets in a single reaction
– Reliable system : Automatic PCR control
– Positive control included
– DNA extraction solution included (Cat. No. SQD21-K100)
– Easy-to-use master mix
– CE certification


Sample type FAM HEX Cy5 Result
Positive Control + + + Valid
Negative Control - - + Valid
NTC(Non-Template Control) - - + Valid
Sample case 1 + + +/- MTC, NTM (Co-infection)
Sample case 2 + - +/- MTC
Sample case 3 - + +/- NTM
Sample case 4 - - + Negative
Sample case 5 - - - Required   re-experiment


Korean J Clin microbial, Seong Deok Lee, Hye Young Lee, Hyun Chul Kim, Soo Young Kim,

Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Non-Tuberculous Mycobacteria by PCR Assay.

Ryan KJ, Ray CG (Editors) (2004).

Sherris Medical Microbiology (4th ed.). McGraw-Hill. Clinical Characteristics of Non-Tuberculous Mycobacterial Pulmonary Disease in a National Tuberculosis Hospital.

Sun-Pil Choi, M.D., Bong-Keun Lee M.D.1, Jin-Hong Min, M.D., Jin-Hee Kim, M.D.

Pathogenic Classification and Clinical Charateristics of Non-Tuberculous Mycobacterial Pulmonary Disease in a National Tuberculosis Hospital.

Ordering information

Technology Cat. No. Product
Real-time PCR SQD21-K100 DiaPlexQ™ MTC/NTM Detection Kit (w/Ext.)
SQD20-K100 DiaPlexQ™ MTC/NTM Detection Kit
SQD26-K100 DiaPlexQ™ MTC/NTM Detection Kit (w/Ext.)- Ver.3.0
SQD25-K100 DiaPlexQ™ MTC/NTM Detection Kit- Ver.3.0
SQD28-K100 DiaPlexQ™ MTC/NTM Detection Kit (w/Ext.)- Ver.4.0
SQD27-K100 DiaPlexQ™ MTC/NTM Detection Kit- Ver.4.0