Based on the technology that we have developed and produced from various research reagents to molecular diagnostic kits, we will do our best to become a Global Leader in the molecular diagnostic market.
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Microbiome Identification

16S/18S/26S rRNA & ITS Region Full Sequencing

  • Guaranteed accuracy: 99%
  • Bioinformatics analysis service support: align, blast, phylogenetic tree
  • Based on SAS (SolGent Analysis Services) system, Real-time monitoring “from ordering to result check” is possible.

We Analyze the nucleotide sequence of ribosomal RNA of the Prokaryotic microorganism (Bacteria…)and Eukaryotic
microorganism (Yeast, Fungi…)and classifies and identifies microorganism species by comparing homology with GeneBank Database.

  • Analysis Kit: BigDye® Terminator v3.1 cycle sequencing Kits
  • Analyzer: ABI 3730XL DNA Analyzer (50 cm capillary)

Ribosomal RNA for microbiome identification

Prokaryotic Microorganism

Eukaryotic Microorganism

Target Gene

16S rRNA

ITS (18S rRNA)


1.5 kb

600 ~ 800 bp

Solgent’s Universal Primer

27F, 337F, 518F, 785F, 518R, 783R, 805R, 1492R


Sample Preparation

Sample Type

Preparation Method



Pure culture colony

.Sample Delivery: at low temperature(4℃).

.Fungi & Actinomycete: Please prepare gDNA to avoid contamination by spore.

Pathogenic Bacterium, Fungi, Actinomycete

Genomic DNA

Analysis Progress

Retention period of sample: 2 weeks

Retention period of sequencing result : 6 months

Bioinformatics Analysis Service

We are offering Contig align, BlastN search, Phylogenetic tree service at an extra cost. Phylogenetic tree is a graph that compare multiple nucleotide sequences by using clustal W program. It could show how far evolutionary distance is from each similar sequence. We provide 4 types of phylogenetic tree that cross distance method (UPGMA & Neighbor Joining) and type of tree (Phylogram & Cladogram).

Type of Result Data

Contig align: Contigs file such as notepad, word, etc.
BlastN search: HTML file
Phylogenetic tree: HTML file